Sunday, January 18, 2009

disco sucks...

...except when it doesn't. yes, people can 'bag on' disco all they want, but i say what i always say about almost any genre of music: 75% of it truly does suck, but there's that 25% that does not. and, when we're talking about disco, and blondie, then i have to say we're talking about that wonderful, electric, delicious 25%... that does not... suck, that is. in fact, the first time i was handed a quarter and directed towards the jukebox at the smalltown 'pepe's pizza,' i selected a blondie track. 'heart of glass,' i think it was. (not to be confused with the first 45 single i ever bought with my own money... i'm proud to say that was the very legit and intelligent 'genius of love' by the tom tom club.) yes, disco... i have no shame in admitting i dig some disco. i was raised on it. it wasn't all i heard, fortunately my stepfather had a wide range of tastes, so i heard a little bit of a lot of things... and my mother made sure i knew about nat king cole and ricky nelson. so, most of the 'disco' i was exposed to was via my big bad american television set... 'dance fever,' 'american bandstand,' movies on cinemax, ('can't stop the music') ...that sort of thing. so... here's to all the 'good' disco. amen.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Best post ever!!!! I could not agree more about Deborah and Disco. Deborah Harry is one of coolest looking ladies of all time and Heart of Glass is ALSO one of the first songs I really got into. I bought the 45 at Gerry's.

Also, major kudos for the Pepe's Pizza reference! We used to go there every Friday night. Best Ever.