Saturday, September 27, 2008

bryan ferry and jerry hall : price of love - video

i've loved this one since about 1987. i remember it was played on 'night flight' one night, (a cable program that featured music videos and interviews) ...and jean-lucien and i managed to get it on videotape. i remember thinking it didn't exactly sound like anything that was going around at that time... you know, on 'the charts.' but it didn't sound 'old-fashioned' to us either. and it didn't sound like the lilting, tame and dreamy sound of bryan and roxy music in the video for 'angel eyes,' which we'd already seen. no, this video had a rawness about it that wasn't quite metal, and wasn't quite pop. i confess, at the time i was young enough to be puzzled when it came to labeling it as one thing or another. but hey, i know now... its glam rock, kids. dig it. and pay the ultimate price, that price of love. (mmm, and do you think duran duran might've had a look at this clip before they came up with the concept for their video for the song 'my own way'..?? i'm just asking.)

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