Saturday, September 27, 2008

patchwork perfect

i seriously hope jean-lucien doesn't mind that i'm posting this one. he made it, about three years ago. using paper as paint, he composed this cool and glorious patchwork of light and color. i loved it then, and i still love it now. he has always had the keenest sense of balance and color harmony. this collage feels pretty to every one of the five senses. i can almost smell and taste it. it has a watercolor-like quality that i absolutely love. not unlike a stained glass window, the light behind it enlivens the arrangement. he's such a genius. its just beautiful. i think it would make a marvelous album cover. and keep in mind, he cuts out and glues everything down by hand before it hits the scanner. what a master. my hero. just gorgeous. (click to enlarge)

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