Sunday, September 21, 2008

gone fishing

okay, this might very well be the only thing i post tonight. my lobster traps (picture files) are light, so that means i need to take a night or two off for fishing and pearldiving. so, in the meantime, allow the lovely miss ashley cox to hang that 'do not disturb' sign on this virtual door. i love, love, love that salmon-colored satin garter belt, her powder-pale skin, and her sleek shoulder-length smartly-cut hair. it looks like she's got a hell of a slumber party planned. so i say, 'hey ashley, let's order up some coffee-flavored dessert, play dress-up; gossip and watch jeopardy, and maybe talk about some girls we don't like a whole lot.' then... a pillow fight, maybe? okay, i'd better keep this short before i sound completely non-straight. and i think i need to post a shot of a hot guy, just to like, keep things balanced. but chicks, man... they just don't make 'em like they used to. (click to enlarge... and please don't flag me or complain, they're only 'human boobs.' thanks.)

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