Wednesday, September 24, 2008


well, i couldn't actually come up with anything really groundbreaking or unusually creative to post, so i thought i'd stay in that very proven ground of 'good-looking guys.' and when you're talking about good-looking guys in the entertainment industry, johnny depp alone is like, 75% of them. this shot is obviously from 'charlie and the chocolate factory.' i think he looks gorgeous as wonka...sort of like a cross between johnny depp, glenda jackson-in-her-prime, and my partner jean-lucien. and bizarrely, i don't think he comes off as 'swishy' in his wonka gear. i think he comes off as just plain crazy. like, insane in a very legal sense. and i consider that a high compliment. you CAN be legally insane, and creative, and rather high functioning; contrary to popular opinion. yeah, i think depp's wonka is certifiable, yet capable, and very glam. i don't think there's a single frame in most johnny depp's movies where someone has said, ', he looks like shite in that part.' or like, ', he looks bad there.' i theorize that you could probably go through almost all of johnny's movies like, literally frame by frame, and if you put all the frames wherein he looked 'not-screw-able,' in a box, the box would be about the size of like, a kit-kat. (and just for the record, i didn't take this picture, but i did crop it and trick it.) click to enlarge.

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