Tuesday, September 9, 2008

p is for playboy

yeah, i've posted several playboy covers so far on 'planetcool,' and most of my mates surely know of my devotion to vintage playboys. the girls were so much curvier, so much more playful, and almost assuredly 99.9% silicon free. i mean, look at those sturdy, curvaceous legs! look at those amazing vintage platform shoes! man, i don't know what's sexier; the broad, or the shoes! i love the fact that she's smiling though, instead of throwing down that steely-eyed, bitchy, i-can-and-will-kick-your-ass! look. yeah, this girl looks like she'd go for a pillow fight, some tickling, and some laughs before she 'got serious.' its amazing to look at this picture and know that most modern amercian girls would actually call her fat. i chose this one because well, first of all, i hadn't posted it yet, and also because its the issue for september, 1972... the year jean-lucien and i were born. i don't know if i ever had this issue. if i did, it must've had the cover torn off, because i really don't think i owned this cover. yeah, i got most of my vintage playboys and penthouses at the very well-stocked, dirty, unprofessional, and now-defunct Atlas bookstore in greensboro, nc. man, we combed the hell out of that place, didn't we lovers? (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Almadora, my dream is for us to be together one eve thumbing through all MY vintage Playboys, which are from the year's '74 - '83. There is deliciousness on every page. And you know I love your observation about "realness" and "playfulness". Do girls just not look like that anymore?

Also, I think I logged about twelve hundred hours in Atlas Book Exchange. I still have many of the mags I got there that I absolutely treasure. I also used to love the audio/visual section of the HP Public Library when it was in its old location. I think I logged about two million hours there...that was heaven, sheer heaven...