Monday, March 2, 2009

john taylor...

... for those of you who don't know john taylor. okay, i'm posting this shot because, according to me, it falls into that all-important category of 'unintentionally hilarious.' sure yeah, he looks handsome enough, he looks cute enough... i mean he's smiling and he's got that vital, healthy 'tan-that-money-can-buy,'... but i'm actually posting it for a reason beyond mere 'cuteness.' yeah, i know its a smallish picture, but if you're able to enlarge and look real close, you'll see the patch on his right-hand side, just above his pocket... like, where a soldier's name should be, it reads... i'm almost positive it reads: 'stay rude.' huh? i mean, what the hell...? his 'goal' or rather his 'mission' is to 'stay rude?' well, good luck with all that... i guess. how exactly do you do that? i mean, do you just go out and make a point of causing trouble, being really free with the insults and the breaking in line and stuff? do you make sure you curse a lot and 'talk shit' about people's mothers and sisters and stuff? do you leave crappy tips and frequently use the following phrase with indignation: '...hey, do you know who i am??? does 'hungry like the wolf ' mean anything to you??' do you cuss out desk clerks and let the 'eff word' slip out during important interviews? well, whatever it means, something tells me john taylor would have very little difficulty living up to his daily quota of 'rude.' (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Hahahaha! "Stay Rude" Come on!