Saturday, March 7, 2009


yes, i christened a new book tonight. and i found i was a little bit hesitant with the picture choice. hey, don't get me wrong, i love the shot. but, i knew other people were going to see it, and i realize a lot of people don't think the monkees are as cool as jean-luc and i think they are. yes, after all these years, i'm still an immense, crazy, non-apologetic, die-hard monkees fan. and mike nesmith is, and always has been, my hands-down fave. (his solo music is incredible... like, 97% of it is stuff i would want on a desert island.) so lets see... what exactly do we have here? yes, we have an amorous second-season michael nesmith attempting to woo the groovy biker chick. (the actress's name in ginny gann.) its from a mostly-great episode called 'the wild monkees,' where the guys have to 'get tough' to impress the all-girl motorcycle gang... only to find out they're 'tired of the open road,' and want to turn over a new leaf and get all feminine. the whole episode is worth a look, even the contrived and goofy bike race musical sequence near the end. i titled it 'thistle' because it sort of felt like the cold thorns of the remaining winter are still upon us... yet, the dainty, fresh flowerings of spring are not far away. and i've always liked that word, too. in the 'medallions' at the bottom of the main picture we have, left to right: the full moon, a beautiful 1970's 'curly hair' variety julie christie, an orange sweet dripping of honey, the closely-shorn harrison ford in 'blade runner,' an orchid, and last but never, never least, my main lady, miss georgina hale. i have to say i'm pleased with it. now i just have to fill it up. wish me luck. oh, and please forgive the imperfect reproduction... i just laid it down on my carpet and took a picture of it while the cat was being weird. (click to enlarge)

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