Thursday, March 5, 2009

night off

i'm taking the night off, kids. i'm like, tired like the kind of tired you used to get in 5th period, in high school on a 71 degree day, after a big lunch. you know, when you'd succumb to 'waking sleep' behind a propped-up book, so damn sleepy you don't even care if you get busted for snoozing. i'm tired like that. so, as i dive into those pillows and covers, i'm leaving the planet in the capable hands of 'the barrister dolenz!' yes, its a screen shot from the second season of 'the monkees,' an episode entitled 'a coffin too frequent,' co-starring george furth and ruth buzzi. its like, one of the worst episodes, and one of the best, at the same time. jean-lucien knows what i mean. it sucks, but i love it anyway. more tomorrow night lovers, groovy.

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