Friday, September 26, 2008


okay, i have a bit of a headache tonight, but i didn't want to leave the night blank, so i thought i'd just leave everyone a little love note. i think most of you will recognize the lovely and busty miss ann-margret and the saucy, somewhat scary jack nicholson on their first date from the 1971 movie 'carnal knowledge.' it was directed by mike nichols, and also starred candice bergen and art garfunkel. i haven't seen it in a long time, but i remember digging it very much. i actually think i might've bought it on laserdisc sometime around 1995, if you can believe that. but man...look at that cleave-action, man. some people might say that's 'all push-up bra,' or that its 'all padding,' but umm, we're talking about ann-margret, so i totally think she's doing a lot of the 'work' herself, if you know what i mean. i should try and watch it again sometime. or maybe not. (mmm, apathy is mine.) i love you all very much, and hope to be back in 'full force' soon. kisses.

1 comment:

Mela said...

Hey, I like the way you think. This is a movie that has been on my must see list for decades! I have a few blogs on here but I may have been too ambitious because I never have time to write anything between work, play, youtubing, volunteering and my knitting group! I gotta try harder.
