Saturday, October 18, 2008

another van, man...!

yeah, i was looking through my old files and came across this. and i thought since my last posting of a van advert was a hit, i thought i'd throw this one out there. i love the swirly, late 60's artwork. and i dig the fact that it's advertised as a 'street van.' like, is there any other kind? i mean, i don't see too many vans out there burning up the 'dunes,' or like, rough-ridin' it through the rocky mountain areas. no, a 'street' is where you see the vast, vast majority of vans. its like saying 'mouth toothbrush.' so yeah, i dig this for so many reasons. since i've studied advertising, i dig it on that level. and i also can relate on a personal level... for most of my childhood, my dad drove a chevy van. and i love vans. i love the space, the high ride, etc. of course, these days, they're not as cost-effective as they used to be. let me take a closer look at this ad. hey, 'click-to-enlarge' and check out that dude sitting down on the far right. in case you can't read it, he's saying, '...did you know Street Van spelled backwards is Teerts Nav...?' ummm, how is that a selling point? i wish i could tell you who the artist is, but i don't recognize the work. the small print in the lower left quadrant is pretty funny too. so rock on, Street Van! roll!

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

I think if you were stoned "teerts nav" would be something to ponder. And I love that someone named "Roger" put that foxy lady in her street van. Roger is such a 1970s name. I bet her name is Carol.