Saturday, October 18, 2008

nine five seventy-two

i made this collage in class one day... in my lap, when i was supposed to be paying attention; back when i was in class. i just had a black cardboard background, and started gluing things down. i didn't plan on anything, i just let the colors and the shapes lay where they wanted to. its pretty enough, isn't it? of course, this is the final image, after jean-lucien lent it that 'fish-eye' distortion treatment. let's see, clockwise, we've got... georgina hale as alma mahler at about 11:57... then, at 12:01 and :02, we've got the wild glam rock duo of ewan mcgregor as curt wilde and john-rhys myers as brian slade in 'velvet goldmine.' then, at 4:45, we've got georgina as alma mahler again, then a big, important number five (taken from the richard lester film, 'help!') , and then finally, at 9:45, a somber shot of my darling ian holm as tom frost in david cronenberg's 'naked lunch.' i think its groovy. amazing what an idle mind and a bit of technology can come up with. (click to enlarge)

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