Sunday, October 12, 2008

berg for the heck of it

hey, we can all use a little shot of humor. god knows i can this week. so i found this classic dave berg strip i haven't posted yet. it's from vintage MAD magazine, of course. and its a short joke, but one i think we can all relate to in one way or another. i love the attention to detail... like the suburban house the kid's running in front of in the first frame. i love the bitchy look on the mom's face in the second frame. and in the third frame, well, first, i love the stick-lamp living room lighting-pole thing off to the side. i'm pretty sure my house had some lights like that at one point. and the icing on the cake is the way the kid invites us in, via looking straight out of the frame to make eye-contact with the reader. and he doesn't have a caption; because he doesn't need one. the drawing says it all. i just love it. (click to enlarge)

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