Saturday, October 18, 2008

jack, serious

i can't ever remember not liking jack lemmon. i also can't remember a time in my life when i wasn't aware of him. somewhere along the years, i fell in love with him. he's got it all. style, talent, humor, and unexpected sexiness. in movies like 'the apartment' and 'the china syndrome' he was so foxy i couldn't stop myself from what it must've been like to know him romantically. (wow, that sounds really flaky, but whatever.) and in 'some like it hot,' he's a perfect example of a comic-relief part that gets laughs without losing his dignity or class. that couldn't have been easy to do. i heard a lot of his leading ladies were crazy about him. i think he was infinitely sexier than cary grant. don't get me wrong, cary grant is excellent, but i can't remember him ever 'turning me on.' i think i can honestly say i've never once wondered about taking cary grant's shirt off. or thought about kissing him. but i have thought similar things about jack lemmon. he's just a treasure. and in this shot? woof! i think need to juice up that time machine again. sigh.

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