Tuesday, October 14, 2008

caine smokes

yeah, i haven't posted a celebrity smoker in a while. so i thought i'd post this shot of the man who gave
'cockney' class, mr. michael caine, going all 'dragon' on a big cigar, whilst his dishy cockney mate bob hoskins stands by, very successfully rivaling mr. caine's hotness. hey, if i was playing a hot game of 'who would you rather f***, then i gotta admit, for me, its a hands-down blow-out. i'll take hoskins every chance i get. yeah, you might disagree, but i've just got a wild thing for hot bob. i love this shot... it's got that kray-brothers british gangland thing going for it. and if you click to enlarge, and look closely, i think it says something about 'erotica' and 'striptease' on the wall behind them. mmmm, i think i'll take 'em both, and proclaim monday night as 'slut-night.' (mmm, what the hell am i talking about?)

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