Thursday, October 16, 2008

john lennon is f***ing around

yeah, anyone who's ever flirted with the idea of being a beatles fan, has probably learned that they, (particularly early in their career) were encouraged to f*** around! often it was with props... like umbrellas, fake moustaches, canes, hats, coathangers, fruit, or in this case, naked broken baby dolls. yes, before the fab four realized that they, and not their publicity machine, had the 'power,' they were often subjected to the lamest of awkward photo opportunities. this shot is a good example. it looks like an outtake from the infamous 'butchered babies' cover... which i've never seen one of. i mean, i've never seen a real one, like one that was mid-60's released-before-it-was-banned. i think its hilarious that john has obviously put his own little rectangular stoner shades on the weirdy plastic baby. man, it gets more surreal the more i think about it. like, when john was brushing his teeth that morning, did he know he was going to be posing with busted naked dolls? the world is weird.

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