Thursday, October 16, 2008

dangerous letter

ummm, i don't have a lot of ideas tonight, but since i've had 'dangerous liaisons' on semi-heavy rotation, i thought a sexy picture of john malkovich as valmont couldn't hurt. here he is writing a sly, manipulative letter on a concubine's ass. but man, he looks good doing it. i know the long hair is a wiggety-wig... john hasn't had a full head of hair since he was like, nineteen years old. but yeah, if john actually walked around looking like that, he'd be dragging girls clinging to his ankles through the new york-and-LA-streets. but not only would i need a wig and costume, but a time machine. (...mmm, story of my life.) yeah, after all these years, john-as-valmont has a place in my drastically romantic, almost-self-destructively romantic heart. he would sooo 'have me.' and its also a fun movie for me because michelle pfeiffer's character doesn't have the easiest time. which is cool, because she gets on my nerves. if you ask me, out of the three principal player's fates, i think valmont's is the easiest. in short, i think he wins 'the war.'

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