Saturday, October 18, 2008

much needed georgina

yes, it's been a little too long since i paid tribute to my silky blonde muse, miss georgina hale. i wonder if she has a middle name? and if so, i wonder what it is? (i've never had a middle name come up in any of my searches.) anyway, she's incredible. umm, yeah, this is a shot from the 1975 film 'mahler' directed by the great ken russell. wow, i love this movie. i realize its an acquired taste, but what can i say? i dig the dazzling strange caviar that IS a ken russell classical music biography. i really should own a copy by now, but my life just hasn't gone that way. yet. so, just for the sake of celebration, enjoy this frame. in the movie, its right before she bounds around the countryside, silencing all of nature so her moody husband gustav can get some 'tortured artist' writing done.

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