Tuesday, September 2, 2008

l is for 'lawrence of arabia'

man, one summer i had such an intense affair with
'lawrence of arabia.' i rolled it constantly. i used to have my old bedroom's audio-visual equipment set up so i could play a movie with the picture off... and i used to play 'lawrence of arabia' and fall asleep to the soundtrack, dialogue and all. i loved maurice jarre's music, and i adored the words of robert bolt's script. to me, for a while, it was one big, sprawling audiophile lullabye. i still identify with the film's 'el aurence' character. his poise, his aching and chronic identity crisis, his strange-yet-keen logical view of battle, his guilty bloodlust, his vanity.. his want for appreciation and acclaim... all of it struck me. sigh... peter o'toole's 'el lawrence,'... he IS my joan of arc. (click to enlarge)

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