Thursday, September 4, 2008

m is for mia

i love mia farrow. i don't know much about what she's doing with 'the children of the world' these days. i admit, i'm far more enthusiastic about her film career. i loved her in all her woody allen stuff, but the film i have rolling most often is the roman polanski masterpiece 'rosemary's baby.' i learned recently that this picture was in fact the very first cover of People magazine. as you can probably tell from her costume, it is celebrating her role as the vapid Daisy in the disappointing film version of f. scott fitzgerald's overrated story 'the great gatsby.' well, perhaps 'overrated' is too strong a word. 'outdated,' maybe? all i know is that i remember feeling less that moved after reading the book. and i remember being even less impressed by the movie version. (we watched it in class.) personally, apart from 'rosemary's baby,' i think she was best in woody allen's 'husbands and wives' and 'hannah and her sisters.' and i even liked her in 'alice.' and she was good in 'radio days,' too. (that's a highly underrated woody allen film, if you want my opinion.)

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