Friday, September 5, 2008

n is for nurse

okay, i admit i'm totally cheating on this one. but you'd be surprised how few n's there are out there. and i've been waiting to post this shot of the lush and lovely miss bernadette peters for a long time. she is definitely invited to the slumber party. and is she a space alien or something? i mean, have you seen her recently? apart from some slightly-deepening 'smile lines,' she still looks effing incredible. i can't remember a time in my life when bernadette wasn't out there, sounding great and looking fabulous. and she's living proof that a chick doesn't have to give in to the social pressures to 'tan it.' she's pale as milk, and she looks fantastic. hey, wake up ladies, maybe that's precisely why she looks so great; she's stayed the eff out of the sun! and i love her singing voice, too. and she's funny! so here's to you, bernadette. cheers.

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