Friday, September 5, 2008

m is for miss michaels

that's dorothy michaels, of course. i really should post more than one thing tonight, but i've been yawning and sleepy like, since 2pm. so i decided to mark my place by leaving it in the very capable hands of the new hospital administrator, miss emily kimberly. EMILY: " you know what? i'm think i'm going to give every nurse on this floor...and electric cattle prod, and instruct them to just zap his badoobies..." RON: (outraged) "...cattle prod...?!" EMILY: (into the phone) "...ruby...? hi... you wanna open up the yellow pages in... under the uh, section of 'farm equipment retail...?'" man, its the best. if this ends up being the only post tonight, just remember lovers, i love you all. dearly. meet me back here tommorrow, for more wild trivial celebration. (click to enlarge to read the tiny caption)