Friday, September 5, 2008

n is for new wave

again, i think this one speaks for itself. i wish people out there would make quality scans of all their old duran-era 'star hits,' 'smash hits,' 'tiger beat,' and like, i think there was one called 'no.1' in the UK. not only is the big headshot of john taylor really cute, but even more interesting if you 'click to enlarge,' are all the other features mentioned. for instance, i think i can read something about an 'a-ha contest,' AND a 'depeche mode contest.' what kind of contests could these have been? i mean, i guess you'd get records, posters, pins, and other junk. i'm quite sure i never entered one. i think, even at 14 years old i was like, '...hey, unless i get to meet-and-hang-out-with the band,' then i'm not going to bother.' oh, and by the way, the caption about: 'notice, no spandau' was added by me. ahhh, i wish i had been rich enough at the time to always buy two copies of 'star hits,' one to cut the pin-ups out of, and one to keep intact for posterity. actually, in retrospect, it was a high quality fan magazine, i mean, they really put a lot of work into each issue. (sorry the color is a little garish, i did the best i could.)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Dave Gahan up there in the corner is really making me laugh.

Remember how we used to talk about the el cheapo fan books and fan rags that would try to milk the same six or eight pictures by flipping them, and zooming in on them, or making them smaller?