Tuesday, September 2, 2008

l is for 'the lotus eaters'

here's a cool slice of notebook art i constructed and scanned a long time ago. don't get me wrong, there are elements of jean-lucien's work in it, too. i mean, we're almost completely symbiotic, so it might go without saying that both our hands are (were) in it. it was laid down as a notebook illustration, back when i still had to carry a notebook around. lets see, from left to right, we've got ian holm as science officer ash from 'alien,' and on the right, surprise-surprise, its georgina hale from 'mahler.' i typed the 'lotus' text mostly after the michael stipe lyric, which was mostly based on the chapter in 'the odyssey' about the lotus eaters. i did my fair share of hand-inking the little black squares, but as i said, jean-lucien deserves (at least) equal credit. (click to enlarge)

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