Tuesday, September 2, 2008

l is for...lestat wants to borrow that top : video - artist unknown

i found this one a long time ago. it kills me every time i watch it. i remember seeing 'shadow of the vampire' at the litchfield cinemas. you know, lucynell, please correct me if i'm wrong, but i seem to remember seeing you in the ticket line that night. i mean, i don't think you rode up there with us, i think jean-lucien and i went there like, just the two of us. but for some reason part of my mind wants to place you there. in any case, please dig this vid. it slays me. oh, and before you start it, its like, super-loud, so get ready with the volume control.


lucynell2 said...

I don't think that was me at Litchfield. Weirdly, I've never seen this movie. I avoided it for some reason. Not sure why.

Wait, you've seen this right?


and this...(FF to about minute 4)

almadora said...

wait, i'm thinking now maybe it was 'bram stoker's dracula' with gary oldman. could that be possible?

jean-lucien said...

i know it was ME at the "not cool-sounding" litchfield.

lucynell2 said...

It WAS Bram Stoker's Dracula! I remember that now...

almadora said...

jean-lucien, you were the best movie date alive!