Wednesday, September 3, 2008

m is for michael stipe - freak variety

yeah, there are several 'flavors' of the southern genius michael stipe. we had the early, curly-haired, cherubic variety, then he started shaving it when he started to go bald... then he practically had a mohawk, and for some reason started spray-painting on wraparound-shades, and i think i saw a shot of him onstage in pants made out of duct tape, and i guess the list of 'freak looks' for mr. stipe could go on and on. but i like this one. i know its from a 'more freaky' era, rather than a 'less freaky' one, but i still love the contrast and the ruffles and the way the shot itself is composed. (and i confess, the whole thing became a lot more striking after i went in and airbrushed peter buck and mike mills out from behind him.) but when all is said and done, i totally love and even revere michael stipe. he's cool in my book, even when he's not being so cool.

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