Wednesday, September 3, 2008

m is for morrissey - jobriath t-shirt

tonight i start digging into the M's... and i think i can guarantee a few pictures of the talented and sexy and mysterious morrissey. this is a recent shot, and by that i mean it was taken in the last ten years. i've always liked this one. i think i've already made it clear i think he's sexier older. this is just a nice, clear, close, large, handsome casual shot. he's spent a lot of time in suits and ties over the last decade, so its nice to see him a little more 'loose.' like you can almost imagine bumping into him at the mall or something. malls, man. i can remember almost getting in trouble running top-speed through some big mall in winston-salem with my very grown-up, adult, not teenage friends christine, jeff, and rowdy. a security guard stopped us and told our 'should-know-better' asses to cool it or else we'd have to leave 'the premises.' (oh, and i have it on pretty good authority that 'jobriath' was less than thrilling.) man, what was the name of that main mall in winston-salem?

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Hanes Mall! I was just there not too long ago. They still have a store that sells organs, not the bodily kind, the keyboard kind. Weird. Who's buying organs these days?