Sunday, November 30, 2008

last-minute birthdays

real quick, before midnight, here are some last-minute birthday wishes. sunday, november 30th... the day rock video legend billy idol turns an eye-popping 53 years old. and who shares a birthday with the rebel himself? let's see... he's in decent company. for instance, on this day, my darling mark twain would've been a genius 173. let me sit on your lap and give you a kiss, samuel, wherever you are. also celebrating, another american groundbreaker, mr. johnathan swift, who brought biting satire to his country with his 'modest proposal.' (1729) he would be 341 today. hey john, i like your mind. you really knew how to 'shake up' society, you know? and um, who else? yeah, mr. 'broadway-yentl-swashbuckler-girl's-name' mandy patinkin turns a 'still alive' 56... and last but certainly not least... the man with kaleidescope eyes, mr. busby berkely would be a keen 113 years old tonight. he left a mark that started as a ripple, which became a wave...a name, a brand, a style, and indeed even, became a household word. at least he was in my household. happy birthday to you all, from the planet. (especially you, mr. twain... forgive me for posting billy's picture instead of yours... i'll make up for it.)

1 comment:

almadora said...

correction: in this entry i said johnathan swift was american, but actually he was born in dublin, ireland.