Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the famous beatles

hey, like a semi-famous beatles song says, '...i'm sooo tired,' tonight. like, i don't even feel like doing this right now. the Claw is in the room with me now. (don't ask.) so, as a result, i'm not feeling the usual 'vim' i have when i post. so like, bear with me when i post this! yes, its a shitty old fan magazine featuring the famous beatles, on the big cover. so um, let's take a closer look, shall we? well, firstly, i think its safe to say the photograph itself, sucks the big one. it boasts to tell us about '...paul's sleepless nights.' as if i care. like, what does paul have to lose sleep over? he seems like, not only the 'cutest,' but also, in general, the '...least concerned ' beatle.' and then we're promised that '...john confides in us now.' hey, you know, at that stage in his life, i'm not even sure john knew what in the hell was going on with his personal life. and apparently, george is going to come clean about his '...saddest moments.' and i think i probably have a pretty good idea what that was all about... namely: '...one damn song per record, you bastards...!?!' and, as if all that wasn't enough, '...ringo tells about love.' great.... fab, i can hardly wait to hear about it.

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