Monday, December 1, 2008

rebel with a cause

hey, i don't want to criticize miss jane fonda too harshly. i mean, nobody knows how it feels to be jane fonda except jane fonda. it couldn't have been easy to grow up as her. hey, i dig her the most! despite who her father is, was... i think she's worked damn hard all her life and has legitimately earned her stardom. sure, daddy might've been there to get her little foot in the door, but once she was in there, she more than proved she had 'the right stuff.' she's versatile, beautiful, feisty, demure, coquettish, calculating, shrewd, shy, sharp, and very sexy. like, sometimes i have to remind myself when i'm watching 'klute,' that she's also 'barbarella,' and judy bernley from '9 to 5.' (and to be honest, i never even think about her 'workout' days. i do like her in 'on golden pond,' though...) where was i? yeah... hot, swinging jane is always welcome to strut by the planet and join in the pillowfight.

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