Tuesday, December 2, 2008

'u' asked for it

you know, i never thought i'd type down the following sentence and actually mean it : i googled stuffed animal unicorns tonight, and i was suprisingly very unhappy with the poor selection. there, i said it. like, the last time i checked, people were still giving birth to little girls and little gay boys, right? so i was amazed to see how few cute, cunning, stuffed 'toy-fied' unicorn creatures were out there-to-be-had. i mean, the selection sucked a 'horn,' if you know what i mean. this little guy was one of the best i came accross. and that's not saying much. (no offense, little unicorn-guy. unicornguy: (with an attitude) "...none taken." mmm, he sounds pissed.) so anyway, here he is, so dig on him... in a very 'pre-teen' fantasy way!

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