Saturday, December 6, 2008

sultry ann

ahhh, where the hell am i? i just sent lucynell a mail telling her not to expect too much from the planet tonight. like, i have less than zero ideas... so i figured a steamy shot of miss ann-margret can never hurt. like, she's sooo rarely 'hard on' the eyes, if you know what i mean. hey, i wonder if she and jack nicholson ever really had 'carnal knowledge' of eachother? i don't think i ever remeber reading about it if they did. hey, maybe she 'had the hots on' more for art garfunkel. if you ask me, you'd have to put me in the same room with them, and see who held my attention. like, maybe jack would be super 'boring-town' if you tried to talk to him, and maybe garfunkel would be sassy and fascinating. i've never thought art garfunkel was bad looking anyway. i think he 'beats the hell' out of paul simon, just on the pure 'face' scale. (any minute now, ann's gonna bust in here, all 'spitfire' and demand to know, '....hey! what gives?? i thought this post was all about me...!!' well, sorry ann... i warned you, i have no ideas) so a 'stream-of-consciousness' night it is. (mmm, like, when is it not?)

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