Tuesday, December 2, 2008

are you here for an affair, sir?

i'm sure most of you have seen the classic film, 'the graduate.' and i'm sure you know it's got tragedy, it's got comedy, it's got social commentary, it's got pop music, its got it all... but i'm featuring one of my favorite moments. and it very much falls into the 'comedy' territory. cinematically, it seems that benjamin braddock has some time to kill whilst waiting for his married date to make her way to the hotel, so he wanders, and finds himself in a weird 'face-to-face' with the desk clerk. (played by buck henry) the clerk assumes, mistakenly, that benjamin is there for some sort of pre-booked family function, and benjamin, taken off guard and feeling guilty, sort of goes along with it. what results is the hilarious 'singleman party' exchange. i love it. (click to enlarge)

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