Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i is for idle, eric idle

"...can i have fifty pounds to mend the shed?" i love that bit. eric was sooo lovely when he was in his python days. and something tells me like, he 'knew it.' i've heard he could be a stuck-up, conceited prima donna like, around the time they were doing 'flying circus.' like, i heard he could throw a hissy fit and like, hide in his dressing room, flaming with 'attitude.' i don't know if that's true, but it wouldn't surprise me. i did actually 'used to think' he was the best-looking one, but i think i was just a pre-teenager responding to his 'pretty' factor. now that i've grown a bit older and wiser, i 'hands-down' think terry jones is the prettiest. handsomest. cutest, whatever. i think terry almost always looks wonderful. but hey, THIS post is about eric idle, and he'd probably throw a real 'bitch fit' if he knew i was using the space to talk about terry.

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