Thursday, August 28, 2008

j is for joni

joni mitchell. once known as roberta joan anderson. i don't have a lot to say about joni that i haven't said in the past, but i just couldn't bear to let the 'j's' go by without at least blowing a kiss to miss joni. she's a canadian siren, a poet, a smoker, a survivor, and she still continues to put out great stuff. her's is one of the few voices i would find myself aching for on a desert island. my two favorite records of hers are, i think 'hissing of summer lawns,' and 'taming the tiger.' and 'hejira.' and 'don juan's reckless daughter.' and 'court and spark.' i think you get the idea.
i even wrote a term paper on her lyrics. not only did i get an 'a,' but i seduced the professor. thanks, joni.

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