Thursday, August 28, 2008

unintentionally hilarious

yeah, i'm gonna pause the alphabet for a little something i call 'unintentionally hilarious.' i found this picture i'd saved in a really old file, and i just couldn't resist posting it. like, do i even need to comment on it? like, ralph feinnes, shirtless, holding a dog. and his facial expression is like, 100% all about, 'i'm not kidding or anything posing with mr. milkbone, i'm thoroughly serious about it.' i don't know who he's trying to turn on. or maybe i missed something, maybe this was some photo shoot he did to promote adoptions of 'shelter dogs,' kind of like sarah whatsername does with those commercials that show lots of pitiful kittens and dogs who 'need a loving home.' but when i found the photo, there was no indication it was done for anything like that. so, i'm left unclear. '...hello, i'm oscar nominee ralph feinnes...there are two things that i'm 'all about,' namely, shirtlessness, and black dogs.' your guess is as good as mine. dig it.

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