Wednesday, August 27, 2008

i is for ingrid boulting

yeah, i don't know all that much about her, except that she was a much-photographed model in the late 70's-early 80's. she was also in the 1976 elia kazan snooze-fest, 'the last tycoon.' but i remember her on the cover of 'Seventeen' magazine as well as countless perfume and make-up advertisements. those wide eyes, those slightly pouty lips... the exotic eastern european bone structure was obviously marketable. i think i've already posted her fabulous blue 'seventeen' magazine cover... with her mink-like slinky brown hair and smart navy blue lapels... i have to admit, part of me wishes i looked just like her.
(i'd even take the crimped hair for like, a weekend. she's so '1982,' i'll bet she's running out to see 'blade runner.')

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