Wednesday, December 17, 2008

blue danser valmont

i don't think i've posted this before. its just a sparkly little sloice of notebook art. i'm not sure where the left-hand side came from. i'm pretty sure it was just a lovely book cover or something. and, needless to say, on the right is the beribboned and sexy mr. john malkovich as valmont. i added the number 12 for decorative reasons, and the inkwork was all done by hand. (okay, so i touched it up a little bit after i scanned it in, but you get the idea.) but the french suits him... and considering it was scanned from an actual handwritten notebook page, i think it came off rather well. dig it, the smooth and silky valmont. (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

That is such a hot capture of JM. Good Lord.