Tuesday, December 16, 2008

unicorns rule!

hey, there's been a lot of talk about unicorns on the planet lately, 'jive-ass' and otherwise. here's a poster jean-luc found me for the early 80's animated film 'the last unicorn.' i know jean-luc and i saw it in the theater. and i think its safe to say its been at least 20 years since i've seen it at all... like, on cable or anywhere else. i remember the unicorn was voiced by the great and delicate mia farrow. and at the end, it tried to get scary, with the unicorn facing off with some flaming creature called the 'red bull.' or was it the 'great bull?' oh well, i know he was like, all 'flames,' and tried to drive her into some water? and some magician helped her defeat it? like i said, its been a long time since i've seen it. i just read here on the poster that it featured the voice of christopher lee. without looking it up, i'll bet he was voicing a 'bad guy.' anyway, dig the poster. its the early 80's unicorn-most!

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Oh my God, I have no recollection of this movie at all! I need to see it immediately.

PS: my word verification below is "probs". As in, man, I got probs.