Tuesday, December 16, 2008

a little sexy

hey, lets get a little sexy on planetcool... i mean, we're all adults here, we can handle it, right? well, i sure hope so, because some prime cheesecake happens to be on the menu. mmmm, just look at those leggity-leggity-legs, all posed and sheathed in black nylon-styled tights...! and she's pretty, too... with her sassy, swingy flip of her brown hair, and her scarlet lipstick and playful direct eye contact. mmm, she can come to the slumber party anytime. sadly, i don't think i have a name for her... i think i just stumbled onto her looking for magazine covers or something. but i figured it'd been a long time since i had a playmate featured, so dig her while she lasts! (?) man, a shot like this, well, it makes my 'straight' lobe take a temporary 'backseat,' if you know what i mean. (click to enlarge)

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