Wednesday, December 17, 2008

little secret slide

yeah, that's what jean-luc and i sometimes call these things; slides. in fact, its another groovy notebook illustration from... well, actually, now that i look about it and think about all the source material, the tricking, and juxtaposition, i'd say it was a 50-50 collaboration. its not really supposed to 'mean' anything, really... its just supposed to sit up there at the top of a notebook page and 'look cool for you' whilst you're writing in it. on it, whatever. and hey, what is it...? 'davy' week..? i had a shot of davy jones last night. oh well, here he is again. the shot is from the monkees' movie 'head.' he's checking himself out in a bathroom mirror right before he gets lost in a psychedelic 'freak scene.' and, the image on the right is a lovely blink-and-miss-it shot of simon le bon in full 'protest mode,' from the 'new moon on monday' video. dig it! (click to enlarge)

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