Friday, December 19, 2008

striped tigers

guess what folks? this is the second duran horserace in a little less than 24 hours. last night, i had them in the snow, and tonight, we've got the boys in a far more temperate setting. i think i even see a jive-ass potted 'california plant' on stand-by. most of you should be able to tell that this was taken on the cusp of the rio album. (john's hair is still a little plum-colored.) annnd, not surprisingly, it looks like a solid three-way horserace once again. to this day i have no idea what planet andy was pretending he was from with that no-style white-bleached fright-wig look he held onto for a few years. i mean, he's not a good-looking guy to begin with, you'd think he'd make every effort NOT to look even more like slow-baked shite. and roger looks like his deep 'motivation' for this photo shoot was to fall back on that old stand-by, '...the sun is in my eyes.' or, more specifically, in roger taylor's case; '...the sun is in my eyes, and i have no idea why i ever agreed to be in this band, i'm miserable.' so... who's left? john looks cool... and if i didn't know any better, i might guess by his body position that he was the lead singer. i give john 7 out of a possible ten. and then there's nick. not bad. i know the hair looks a little discolored and bouffy, but i happen to know that, in different lighting, that was actually a very good look for him. facially, he looks alright, but its pretty clear he's totally bored, maybe thinking about how much soft-core porn he's missing on the good old american 'cinemax.' 8 out of ten. and then we come to mr. le bon. okay, i'm giving him the win. he's managing to do something pretty tricky; namely, not looking like an idiot. nothing special, but yeah, if i passed him in the mall looking like that, i'd probably turn around for a second look. (just for the record, i've always loved those 80's striped shirts. i wish they'd come back in style. they look incredible on jean-lucien.)

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