Saturday, December 20, 2008

tootsie roll... on the dole

okay, so that was one of the lamest captions i've come up with in a long time, but hey... its not as easy to come up with clever titles as you might think. anyway, yeah... i've had this shot for a couple of months, and i'm just getting around to posting it now. i don't have an exact year for this one, but i'm assuming its pretty early in his career, because in the picture, he's actually collecting his unemployment check... which i find strangely charming. hey, you know what michael dorsey says, '...i don't believe in hell... i believe in unemployment, but i don't believe in hell.' yeah, i think this was just pre-graduate. i don't remember where i got it. but he looks so cute and blushing and humble here. i heard a 'hollywood gossip' story that when he was first introduced to jessica lange, (before 'tootsie' ) he like, belched-on-purpose, honked her boob, and said something very close to; '...i'm dustin...nice to meet you, love to eat you.' . i have no idea if that's true or not... but man, if it is, i'd give anything to see actual film of it. (click to enlarge)

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