Saturday, December 20, 2008

killer drag

here's a slice of a notebook illustration a made a long time ago. on the left, we've got my hero, miss elle driver, raising her sword. (well, actually, i guess its not her sword... i mean, according to the script, it belongs to either beatrice or bud, i can't remember which... maybe hattori hanso gave elle one, but i doubt it. still, i don't feel like putting in the movie to check.) and on the right, is a shot of miss (mr.) eddie izzard, all dolled up in drag, doing one of his 'somewhat funny' stand-up routines. (actually, one of the funniest things i've ever seen him do is his 'englebert humperdinck' bit from the 'dress to kill' dvd.) anyway, dig the slide. its groovy just for the sake of being groovy.

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