Saturday, December 20, 2008

dora's crush

once again, jean-lucien has proven his credentials as a magician. here is one of his latest gorgeous works. as soon as he sent it to me, i applied it to my desktop. the colors are so delicious i can almost smell the perfume of it. i suppose its no secret to anyone that lately, i've been carrying on a shameless, necrophiliac, time- traveling, emotional, imaginary love affair with mr. joe strummer. well, jean-lucien has indicated that this collage is gently commenting on that. we see the deft and dreamy miss catherine deneuve, amidst florid paint near the top, (apparently symbolizing myself) ...and the stark, black and white, dead, gunslinging greaser mr. john graham mellor, joe strummer, near the bottom center. i am immeasurably flattered and deeply honored when jean-lucien can find such inspiration in any of my girlish crushes and impossible infatuations. all that said, herein lies the beauty of jean-lucien's work: you don't have to know ANY of the backstory in order to simply enjoy looking at it. my dearest love, he is a genius. (click to really enlarge)

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