Friday, December 19, 2008

ragged snow

yeah, you know... when i hear the word 'snow' in connection with duran duran, i don't immediately think about the kind that falls from the sky. (if you know what i mean, ... 'disco sugar' is what i'm hinting at.) that being said, lets concentrate on this shot. first of all, i think i can safely say that i've never seen it before. secondly, it looks like we've got a ragged horserace on our hands. and in this case, its not exactly a difficult call. i'm gonna have to give it to mr. taylor. which taylor, you may ask?? and i answer, ultra-sarcastically, "...which one do you think...??" yes, i'm givin' it to mr. nigel john 'JT' john taylor. he looks damn cute over there, smiling his skinny, 'sugared-up' ass off. it also looks like mr. john taylor was the only one who didn't get the memo that they were gonna be shooting pictures in sub-zero arctic conditions that day. everyone else has a coat on, and looks reasonably dressed for it. john on the other hand, looks like he just clocked out for his fifteen minute break at 'merchant's.' i also noticed how, from like, 'left to right,' the boys look progressively less happy as you move on down the line. john looks ecstatic, and by the time you get to roger, its very much like, '...who died?' in any case, i thought a shot of the boys in the snow was fitting for the 'season' or whatever.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

OMG, I'm sure they were on some weird tour of like, Finland or something. To me Roger and Nick always look unhappy. Especially Roger.