Tuesday, December 16, 2008

things we did on cake

ahhh, the silky sweet euphoria of the sugar buzz. we all know it well. i just got off the phone with lucynell, and admitted to her the contents of my 'girl-child' fridge. lets see, in there right now i've got a slab of fun-size kit kats, a quart of thick and deelish egg nog, a six pack of chocolate puddings, some cherry cokes, a gold bag of lindor chocolate truffle balls in assorted flavors... some tangerine seltzer, and i think the closest thing i've got to actual 'human food' is a container of sour cream i've been using to dip my buffalo-and-ranch doritos in. its like, the fridge contents i might've imagined for myself if like, i was a ten year old, daydreaming about; '...someday, when i have my own fridge... it'll have all this junk in it.' this gorgeous collage is something of a tribute to that sweet creamy, dreamy, wispy state of chemical buzz one's brain enjoys after indulging in cake and other 'cake-like' frosting-inclusive 'high-sugar-content' treats. once again, jean-lucien's talent leaves me buzzing from the brain, the part of the brain that recognizes and digs on visual genius. the color treatment and sense of movement and composition are excellent, as usual. the main 'model' is a dolled-up miss sylvie vartan. there's a haloed hippychick from a kiraz cartoon in there, too... in the lower left hand corner. just incredible. it sounds so tired of me to say that '..he never ceases to amaze me.' but its true. i mean, i see everything jean-lucien does, eventually, and absolutely none of it sucks. click to really enlarge, and dig on it.

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