Saturday, December 20, 2008

steven stripped

its been a long time since i looked for anything having to do with sweet morrissey. don't get me wrong, i've never fallen out of love with him, but hey... you know how it is, other crushes present themselves, songs move in and out of rotation, sometimes even the truest of loves fall deeper and deeper into the electronic shuffle. well, tonight i went looking for recent shots of morrissey, and i found this. i can see its very recent. and there's one somewhat odd thing i've learned about morrissey: the more 'filled-out' he becomes in the torso-and-chest area, the more he takes his shirt off. so hey... here he is, stripped for our popstar enjoyment. and i for one say, '...thank you.' granted, i am NOT a fan of 'ripped' midsections and so-called 'washboard' abs... never have been. it leaves me 'ken doll' cold. so i guess its not a big surprise that i think steven here looks delicious. i just wanna like, bite it, you know? and its cool with me if you don't agree... like, that just leaves more for 'yours truly!' (click to enlarge)

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

How psyched were you when you found this pic?