Wednesday, December 17, 2008


yes, this shot really needs no introduction, does it? yes, 'funny- clown' is talking to amy. for those of you that don't immediately recognize it, this is a still frame from 'tootsie.' its during the hilarious babysitting sequence. dorothy agrees to look after julie's baby daughter. needless to say, things don't exactly go smoothly. i guess i don't really have too much else to say about this one. except that, judging by the kid's room, it looks like julie pulls a pretty sweet paycheck down at her job with 'southwest general.' i wonder if the kid who played 'amy' as a baby is still around? and does she (i assume its a she) have a copy of 'tootsie' hanging around, and does she pull it out to show people at like, parties and stuff? hey, if she does, more power to her. it is a pretty nice bragging point.

1 comment:

lucynell2 said...

Hahaha. "I don't like you."