Tuesday, December 16, 2008

freckles and eyelet lace

mmm, anyone who's visited the planet knows how much i dig miss mia farrow. here's a great shot i found of her, in costume for a picture i can't name. but i love the shot. i think the freckles are largely part of the make-up. they were even more obvious before i tricked the contrast. she made a lot of movies around this time period that i've never seen. but she looks lovely, no? i love the comely little lace collar and the plush youthful darkness of her lips. i'm afraid i don't have a date on this shot... i think it was taken for 'life' magazine, and if i had to guess, i'd say like, 1965...? she looks great. and even to this day, she seems only very mildly crazy. i remember a year... like, 1985, for christmas, i bought jean-lucien a book of illustrations of celebrities entitled 'fame II,' and there was a great blue airbrushed shot of mia in this exact outfit in that book. if i remember correctly, jean-lucien and i had both picked out the same book to give to one another, so my mother had to artfully convince one of us to select something else, knowing that one of us was already planning to get it. give it, whatever... we always shared everything we ever got anyway, so we both ended up 'giving it,' and 'getting it,' right?

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